Ingersoll Gender Center  is one of the first and oldest peer support groups for transexual people in the world. It has been continuously ongoing since the late Seventies. Ingersoll has played a vital role in the lives & transitions of countless individuals – not the least of which, my own.

Founder Marsha Botzer is one of the foremost authorities and activist/spokespersons of the transgender community. Ingersoll has been extremely influential and important in the development of transgender rights world-wide.

I attended meetings at Ingersoll for a couple of years; then became a facilitator for a year or two and served on the board briefly. I feel such appreciation for the many people that have given so much to keep Ingersoll going over the years. Metaphorically speaking, and in reality – through rain and snow and hail and sleet, Ingersoll has been there for the trans community.

This poem was briefly published on Ingersoll’s website, right before the move to the (now defunct) Seattle LGBT Center. I think there was a request that some content be written for the website re: the new Ingersoll-to-be: a new location and infrastructure, with an emphasis on the emergence of a new generation. You know – and folks just wanted a change… lol

Today Ingersoll is vibrant and revitalized. It’s truly a new era. They currently hold meetings at the Seattle Counseling Service, which is itself a groundbreaking institution, providing support for the the transgender and LGBT community.


Ingersoll new beginnings

a new ethnicity

a new culture

new breed

new look

new kind

a new age

rol l l l l l l l ing

into Ingersoll

we salute you!

your rugged and beautiful lines

lining up at the doors

rol l l l l l l l l l l l l ing

into Ingersoll
